Should You Kill Tomato Hornworms?

Have you ever noticed strange-looking large green caterpillars with striking white stripes and a horn-like projection on their rear on your tomato plants? These are tomato hornworms. These voracious pests can decimate tomato plants in a matter of days, leaving you frustrated and desperate for solutions. Based on this, killing them seems like the obvious … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Rats In Garden

Rats are a gardener’s nightmare. They dig up bulbs, munch on fruits and vegetables, gnaw on plants, transmit diseases, contaminate food crops with their urine, feces, and hair, and attract predators. For these reasons and more, you want them out of the garden you worked so hard to create and nurture. So, what are the … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Cicadas

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer as summer arrives, the unmistakable buzz of cicadas fills the air, signaling their arrival. These crunchy, loud insects are generally harmless, but they are inherently a nuisance and gross. Their presence can become overwhelming, particularly if cicada swarms invade your home. Cicadas can also damage your … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Gnats In The House

Is the constant buzzing of gnats in your house becoming a nuisance? I understand. Although these insects are tiny and seem innocuous, that is far from the truth. Gnats are annoying, multiply quickly, and can spread bacteria and contaminate food. Gnats often congregate around your fruits, hover near your houseplants, and generally make themselves known … Read more

15 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

The warm seasons. While pleasant, they come with some struggles. I reckon we can all agree that mosquitoes are the worst. Beyond mere annoyance, mosquitoes cause itching and irritation and pose significant health risks as carriers of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. Synthetic repellents have long been the go-to solution against mosquitoes. … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Garden Without Killing Plants

Having ants in your garden doesn’t always translate to a problem since these insects aid in soil drainage and supply nutrients to your garden soil. However, it’s not always good news because ants can destroy your garden. Ants dig tunnels extensively, consume plant sap, and disrupt plant roots while constructing their nests. Therefore, while these … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Slugs And Snails In Garden Naturally

With the ability to munch their way through tender leaves and seedlings with voracious appetites, slugs and snails can be a gardener’s worst nightmare. In no time, these slimy creatures can leave a trail of destruction, damaging your precious plants. They seemingly appear out of nowhere during moist and damp weather, and although they move … Read more

How to Get Rid of Crane Flies

Often mistaken for giant mosquitoes because of their long, slender bodies and delicate legs, crane flies are a common sight in many regions worldwide, especially during warmer months. However, unlike mosquitoes, crane flies are harmless despite the rumors. Also, despite widespread reports on the internet, adult crane flies neither bite nor sting. So, since these … Read more

How to Get Rid of Lice in Your Home

Contrary to a common misconception, having lice is not necessarily a sign of being dirty. You may keep your home immaculate and have good personal hygiene but still suffer a lice infestation. It is more about proximity to an infested person or object than personal cleanliness. Perhaps your kids picked up these gross insects from … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Thrips

Thrips, minuscule and seemingly innocuous insects yet quite troublesome. They can wreak havoc on outdoor and indoor plants. Their voracious appetite for sap, tendency to multiply rapidly, and ability to go unnoticed for a prolonged period make them among the top insects you wouldn’t want in your garden. Thrips leave plants with stunted growth, distorted … Read more