How To Get Rid Of Whiteflies

Whiteflies are notorious for feeding on the sap of plants, resulting in weakened growth, yellowing leaves, and a general decline of plants. These sap-sacking insects also transmit plant diseases and excrete honeydew, which attracts ants and causes sooty mold. Given their rapid reproduction rate, whiteflies can quickly establish large populations in your garden, making controlling … Read more

How To Use Eggshells As Organic Pest Control

Ever wondered about what you can do with the eggshells in your home beyond simply tossing them in the trash? Surprisingly versatile and packed with nutrients, eggshells offer a myriad of practical uses that extend well beyond the kitchen. Eggshells can help you deter various garden pests, promote plant health, and enhance soil quality. But … Read more

20 Plants That Repel Bugs {Indoor and outdoor}

In your pursuit of a comfortable, pleasant living environment both indoors and outdoors exists an unlikely ally- bug-repelling plants. You may have noticed that bugs steer clear of certain plants and flock towards others. Plants with this remarkable ability to repel bugs can be an invaluable addition to indoor and outdoor spaces. Regardless of whether … Read more

How To Deter Rabbits From Garden Naturally

Rabbits are more than just adorable little creatures that like to nibble on carrots. On the contrary, they have an insatiable appetite for a variety of vegetables, flowers, and even young trees. If you let them, rabbits can quickly turn your well-tended garden into a buffet, devouring tender shoots, leafy greens, and blooming flowers. So, … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles

Known to feast on more than 300 plant species, Japanese beetles are a formidable pest with a voracious appetite that can wreak havoc on your garden. These insects do not discriminate on what they eat but are usually found on raspberries, roses, beans, and grapes. These invasive insects are native to Japan but have become … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Mealybugs Naturally

Are you struggling with mealybugs wreaking havoc on your beloved plants? I understand your frustration. These tiny, fluffy, cotton-like pests can be a nightmare, draining the life out of your plants by sucking their sap. Mealybugs’ damage on your plants can turn the leaves yellow, cause stunted growth, and even death. Fortunately, you can save … Read more

Should You Kill Tomato Hornworms?

Have you ever noticed strange-looking large green caterpillars with striking white stripes and a horn-like projection on their rear on your tomato plants? These are tomato hornworms. These voracious pests can decimate tomato plants in a matter of days, leaving you frustrated and desperate for solutions. Based on this, killing them seems like the obvious … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Rats In Garden

Rats are a gardener’s nightmare. They dig up bulbs, munch on fruits and vegetables, gnaw on plants, transmit diseases, contaminate food crops with their urine, feces, and hair, and attract predators. For these reasons and more, you want them out of the garden you worked so hard to create and nurture. So, what are the … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Cicadas

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer as summer arrives, the unmistakable buzz of cicadas fills the air, signaling their arrival. These crunchy, loud insects are generally harmless, but they are inherently a nuisance and gross. Their presence can become overwhelming, particularly if cicada swarms invade your home. Cicadas can also damage your … Read more

15 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

The warm seasons. While pleasant, they come with some struggles. I reckon we can all agree that mosquitoes are the worst. Beyond mere annoyance, mosquitoes cause itching and irritation and pose significant health risks as carriers of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. Synthetic repellents have long been the go-to solution against mosquitoes. … Read more