How to Naturally Repel Snakes from Yard and Garden

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The thought of a snake in my vicinity makes my skin crawl, and I suspect most of us feel the same. While most of these scaly, legless creatures are harmless and even help control pests, that doesn’t mean you want to share your yard with them.

For one, with snakes in your yard, mice and rats will no longer be a problem, but these reptiles have a taste for eggs, so you really don’t want them anywhere near your home if you have chickens.

Let’s explore the various effective ways to deter snakes from yard or garden.

12 Ways To Repel Snakes From Your Yard And Garden

how to repel snakes from your yard

1. Garlic Spray As A Powerful Snake Repellent

How To Repel Snakes From Yard naturally

For ages, garlic has served as a natural deterrent for numerous pests, including snakes. This attribute is brought about by the sulfur compounds in garlic that produce a strong odor snakes find unpleasant.

You can use garlic spray in different areas, such as around your home’s perimeter, garden beds, outdoor living spaces, crawlspaces, windowsills, and chicken coops. Apply this spray regularly to keep it effective.

How To Make Garlic Spray


  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • Water (2 cups)
  • Strainer or cheesecloth or strainer
  • Blender
  • Spray bottle


  • Peel garlic cloves, then crush them to release their oils.
  • Place the crushed garlic cloves in a blender, then add water.
  • Blend the garlic and water mixture until smooth.
  • Strain the solution through a strainer to extract solid particles.
  • After that, pour the strained liquid into a spray bottle to facilitate easy application.


Add garlic-infused oil to the solution to increase its effectiveness.

2. Fox Urine Is An Ally

most effective snake repellent

This natural deterrent works on the principle of predator-prey interaction. Since snakes are foxes’ prey, these reptiles will instinctively avoid areas with a fox’s scent.

Therefore, consider strategically placing fox urine around your yard to create an environment that signals danger to snakes, prompting them to seek refuge elsewhere.

Purchase fox urine labeled 100% pure fox urine. If you get the liquid form, spray it directly onto the ground or apply it to specific locations with a dropper. In contrast, scatter the granular form evenly around the target areas.

3. Snake Plant

snake repellent plants

Would you like to keep snakes away from your yard and make the area aesthetically appealing while at it? I suggest planting snake plants, commonly called mother-in-law’s tongue.

This succulent has distinctive, upright leaves that grow in a rosette pattern and are often mottled with shades of green, yellow, or silver. This plant’s tall, sword-shaped leaves will effortlessly add height and drama to your yard.

As a snake deterrent, the mother-in-law’s tongue affects the animal’s senses. Also, its thick, tough leaves make it hard for snakes to crawl or hide, creating a less hospitable environment.

Below are the different ways to strategically plant snake plants to repel snakes.

  • Plant snake plants along your yard’s perimeter to create a natural barrier.
  • Create potted displays of snake plants strategically around outdoor living areas, patios, and entryways.
  • Use snake plants to define borders around garden beds and landscaping features.
  • Pair snake plants with other snake-repelling plants such as marigolds, lavender, and rosemary to create a multi-layered defense against snakes.

4. Grow Lemongrass

How To Repel Snakes From Yard

Renowned for its mosquito and tick-repelling capabilities, lemongrass is also a great snake deterrent. This plant possesses natural compounds such as citronella, citral, and geraniol, which snakes find unpleasant. These compounds disrupt the sensory receptors of snakes, deterring them from entering areas where lemongrass is present.

There are different ways to use lemongrass to repel snakes. These are:

  • Plant lemongrass in clusters or along borders in your yard’s sunny parts. In addition, plant lemongrass in containers on your patio, balcony, and deck.
  • Plant lemongrass in a continuous line or ring around your outdoor living spaces, garden beds, and entry points to discourage snakes from approaching.
  • Make lemongrass spray. To do so, steep chopped lemongrass stems in hot water, then strain the liquid.
  • Create sachets filled with dried lemongrass leaves and place them strategically around your yard.

5. Clove and Cinnamon Oil as Snake Repellent

Commercial snake repellents typically contain these potent oils because they emit strong scents that interfere with the sensory receptors of snakes.

  • Homemade Clove and Cinnamon Oil Spray

Mix equal parts of clove oil and cinnamon oil with water in a spray bottle, then shake it well to ensure the oils and water mix thoroughly. Spray the mixture around your yard’s perimeter and reapply it every few days or after rainfall.

  • Soak Cotton Balls

Soak cotton balls in pure clove oil and cinnamon oil. After that, place the soaked cotton balls in small containers or sachets and strategically scatter them around your yard. Replace the cotton balls regularly to ensure a consistent release of scent.

  • Deterrent Barrier

Create a barrier of clove and cinnamon oil by applying a concentrated solution directly onto the ground in a line or ring around key areas of your yard, such as outdoor living spaces, garden beds, and entry points. Avoid direct contact with plants and soil during application.

6. Cedar Oil

You can use cedar oil to repel snakes from all the areas you do not want them to be. The natural compounds it contains, such as cedrol and thujone, emit a strong and distinctive scent known to repel a variety of pests, including snakes.

You can repel snakes with cedar oil in the following ways:

  • Cedar oil spray- mix water and cedar oil.
  • Cotton balls- soak cotton balls in pure cedar oil.
  • Cedar mulch- spread cedar mulch around garden beds, outdoor living spaces, and entry points.

7. Vinegar

white vinegar for snakes

This common household item will come in handy in keeping snakes away from the water bodies in your home, such as ponds and swimming pools. You can also use vinegar spray or rags or cotton balls soaked in vinegar around entry points.

Vinegar, especially white vinegar, gives off a potent odor that snakes find displeasing. Additionally, the acidity of vinegar can irritate a snake’s skin, deterring them from slithering over treated surfaces.

8. Remove Attractive Features

As long as there are things in your yard that snakes find appealing, your home will find your home attractive.

Common attractive features for snakes include:

i) Dense Vegetation

Overgrown bushes, shrubs, and tall grass provide ideal hiding spots and shelter for snakes, as well as potential prey such as rodents and insects.


Trim your grass, bushes, and shrubs to reduce hiding places for snakes and eliminate potential habitats. Moreover, prune overhanging branches and remove dense vegetation near the perimeter of your yard.

ii) Piles of Debris

Snakes are more likely to rest and hunt in the debris, like the stacks of wood and rocks you keep in your yard.


Keep your yard clean and clutter-free to discourage snakes from taking up residence.

iii) Water Sources

Ponds, birdbaths, and standing water attract frogs, toads, and other prey species, providing snakes with food.


If possible, eliminate or reduce standing water sources in your yard, such as birdbaths and uncovered pools. Fix leaks and repair dripping faucets to prevent water accumulation.

iv) Food Sources

Bird feeders, pet food bowls, and unsecured garbage attract rodents and other small animals that snakes feed on.


Store birdseed, garbage, and pet food in firmly sealed containers to prevent rodents and other small animals from accessing them. Also, avoid leaving pet food bowls outside overnight, as they may attract snakes.

9. Keep Your Yard Tidy

Maintaining a tidy yard is one of the simplest ways to deter snakes. They are drawn to cluttered and overgrown areas that provide hiding spots, shelter, and potential prey. By regularly mowing your lawn, clearing clutter and debris, trimming vegetation, and keeping pathways clear, you can reduce hiding places and minimize the likelihood of attracting snakes to your yard.

10. Seal Entry Points

Depriving snakes of entry points to your home is a must-do in your quest to keep these reptiles out. However, before doing so, you must identify the areas where snakes may gain access to your yard. These include gaps or cracks on fences, foundations, walls, windows, siding, and doors.

Once you identify the problematic areas, seal them with caulk, concrete, or wire mesh. In addition, install weatherstripping or door sweeps around exterior doors.

11. Install Physical Barrier

Keeping snakes out of your yard can be as simple as erecting a physical barrier snakes cannot penetrate. You can install snake-proof fencing that typically consists of tightly woven mesh or solid panels around the perimeter of your yard. This barrier also suits specific areas where you want to create a snake-free zone, such as outdoor play areas or garden beds.

12. Keep Some Guinea Fowl

how to repel snakes from your yard

These birds may be pretty noisy, but if you can overlook this and your neighbors do not complain, bring them home. Guinea fowl aggressively attack and chase away snakes they encounter. Guinea fowl also lay rich and flavorful eggs.


If you want to repel snakes effectively, combine preventative measures and deterrents. While keeping snakes out of your yard is the goal, be mindful of their well-being because they are important to the ecosystem. In that case, choose humane methods of repelling them. Also, for your safety, be cautious when dealing with them.

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